The Shocking Truth About Loneliness
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Here's the shocking truth about loneliness,
This is why we need to take it more
Survey show 1 out of 3 adults are
And the health Impacts of loneliness
are shocking
Studies have shown that people who
lonely are 50% more likely to die
their time.
Researchers show that loneliness is
as damaging to our health as not
smoking one not two for 15
Cigarettes per day.
Only around half of Americans say
they have meaningful,
face-to-face interactions with a
one family or friend every single
Members of Generation Z say they are
the loneliest generation and experience
more health problems as a result of
Loneliness was also linked with less
physical activity.
compulsive use of digital technology
and not being able to
share our problems with others.
In a study of 20,000 adults 54% say
that they
don't know one person that knows
Well additionally 56% of people said
that the people they surround
with are not necessarily with them.
Approximately 40 percent said that
lack companionship.
Don't have meaningful relationships
feel isolated.
All of us have been in the crowd, but
felt lonely.
All of us have been invited to a
party but wanted to leave.
All of us have likes on social media
don't feel loved in real life.
So many of us can get comments on
our posts but
can't get a friend to call us back.
Loneliness is real, so here's what
we have to do.
After studying over 2500 consumers
over 6 years,
research found that people that seem
possessions as a sign of success
felt more lonely.
Investing our money in experience
rod when things is
a great way of breaking the
loneliness and materialism cycle.
Schedule you a time each day to talk
to a friend.
Take a class to learn something new.
Volunteer to deepen your sense of
Spend time with people who look more
like your future
than your past.
The mental health charity mind
decides two factors that can cause
Someone either not having enough
social contact or more
interestingly, being surrounded by
people but not feeling understood.
Loved or cared, it's not just being around
but being understood.
It's not just being invited and
present but feeling like
you're contributing.
Loneliness really comes then from a
lack of significance
or lack of worth and what you bring
to the table and what value you truly offer.
Lonely is not being alone it's the
feeling that no one loves you.
So start by loving yourself.